(Last updated November 22, 2022) As winter approaches, there are a few things you’ll want to do to safeguard your asphalt pavement and ensure the safety of your employees and customers. Our snow removal team put together their top three tips for stress-free snow removal. Join us as we review our clean up, set up, and stock up plan below:

1 | Clean Up

Before the first snow, do a walk-through of your commercial property or parking lot and make note of anything that can catch on a snowplow blade. Look for large debris like branches and rocks, chunks of concrete, and even large gaps in your asphalt. If these items freeze to your pavement and a snowplow clips it, it can cause further damage to your parking lot! While you’re cleaning up, be sure to remove any additional refuse like leaves, pine needles, and trash. This kind of ground cover can collect and hold moisture over your asphalt for long periods of time, potentially weakening the surface.

REMINDER: Fresh snow or snow build up can quickly cover objects on the ground, creating tripping hazards for your employees and customers and can cause costly damage to vehicles. Try to keep your parking lot clean in-between snowfall to save yourself trouble down the road.

2 | Set Up

Talk with your snow removal team to make a plan for the winter. You’ll need to set up markers along the curbs, parking islands, and decorative structures on your property to ensure snowplow operators are aware of these obstacles. Some early planning with tall markers like snow stakes and driveway markers will prevent costly damages. If you’re using a professional snow removal team, they may even provide and install the markers themselves.

3 | Stock Up

Finally, make sure you stock up on salt and snow melt chemicals before winter hits. You’ll want to use these frequently to prevent ice build-up on walkways, paths, entryways, and sidewalks. You don’t want to make it difficuzlt or unsafe for your customers or employees to access your building. A little preparation can go a long way and set a really good impression with your community.

Get a Jump Start

Snow removal companies, especially in Wisconsin, fill their slots early and quickly! Don’t be left without help for the winter season. Take a quick note of your needs and start placing calls as early as September to get your snow removal plan set up.

Our Snow Removal Services

Johnson & Sons Paving offers large-scale snow removal services for large commercial parking lots. Our fleet of heavy-duty snow removal equipment is perfect for large shared lots, retail lots, and outdoor parking. If you would like to work with our team for your snow removal needs, contact us today!