Commercial Asphalt
Paving Services
Quality asphalt is the most economic, reliable choice for large-scale commercial paving projects. Besides being budget-friendly, it also offers a number of important benefits:

Asphalt can withstand occasional overloads without serious damage because of its flexibility. Asphalt can be customized to meet a number of conditions including traffic, soils, and other materials. Regular maintenance ensures longevity.

Asphalt has high skid resistance making it safe for vehicles of all kinds. The high color contrast between asphalt and road markers like striping enhances visibility in all conditions. Because it is black, asphalt also reduces glare and melts snow and ice more quickly.

Projects are often completed in a day or can be done in sections to leave space for traffic and parking.

Easy To Maintain
The life of asphalt pavements can be easily extended with routine, inexpensive maintenance like crack filling and seal coating.

Reliable Asphalt Paving
Materials and Processes
To ensure our asphalt pavements meet the unique needs of our customers and their businesses, we begin each project by verifying the existing or new base stone is strong, compacted and graded correctly, and is properly prepared for paving. We use asphalt from our own state-of-the-art plant to guarantee its quality and reliability. Our team of expert pavers use the most advanced equipment and processes available in our industry while staying up to date with continuous training.
Our Commercial Paving Solutions

New Construction
We excavate and remove any existing grass, dirt, concrete, asphalt, or stone in the area to the appropriate depth specified by the design for the pavement. Our team supplies and installs a quality crushed aggregate base course that we compact in lifts to meet elevation requirements. Our experienced project managers will help you identify the correct depths and elevations based on your average daily traffic flow, the type of vehicles using your asphalt surface, and your local soil conditions. We then pave the area to the compacted thickness specified in our contract.
Remove and Replace
Johnson & Sons Paving has the ability to remove any existing pavement sections down to the stone layer. Because asphalt is 100% recyclable, we will remove the existing pavement and recycle it. Your existing base will be proof rolled, regraded to assure proper drainage, and then compacted to prepare for the new asphalt which will be patched or paved to your desired thickness.

Mill and Resurface
We can remove the wearing surface of your asphalt to a depth of 1.5 to 2 inches allowing us to profile the best grade possible for rainwater drainage. We clean the newly-milled surface and apply a tack coat to bind the existing asphalt to the new asphalt layer. We then pave a new layer of asphalt surface back to the 1.5 to 2-inch depth.
Pulverize, Regrade, and Pave
Our teams are also equipped to pulverize existing pavement to increase the depth and strength of your existing stone base. Our pulverizing equipment turns the existing asphalt back to stone and mixes it with the underlying bases for a new, stronger stone base. The stone is then fine graded, watered, and compacted to assure proper drainage. Then the new layer of asphalt pavement is paved over the pulverized stone to your desired thickness.

Total Paving Solutions
When you work with Johnson & Sons paving, we will find a comprehensive solution that meets your needs. Beyond offering quality, long-lasting asphalt pavements, we can also aid in storm water management and add concrete finishes to your project like sidewalks, curbs, aprons, and more! To help you maintain the life of your asphalt pavement, we also offer quality sealcoating, patching, and striping and concrete paving services. Complete your asphalt pavement with curbs, sidewalks, gutters, ramps, and more!
Responsiveness & Great Customer Service Are Our #1 Priority
When you work with Johnson & Sons Paving, you’ll have our entire team to support your commercial or residential paving project. Our project managers, engineers, and field teams are always available to answer your questions, from quote to completion and beyond. Give us a call today to get started!
Project Testimonial
“I expected professional quality work and I got it. A big problem I experience with vendors these days is that to get what I need, I have to be expert at their business and I don’t have time for that. I didn’t have to be the expert for the work Johnson & Sons did.”
Rick D.